Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Final Model and Environment

I had a very hard time making my model. I had a lot of problems in everything. The UV mapping was the worst for me because i didn't know exactly where to start or how to do it. I'm still iffy about it.

My model Is a robot in a club like environment. The little cylinder object behind my model are pieces of furniture.  I UV mapped everything except those pieces. I know, I know that I have to make my walls a little bit bigger but hey I did my best with the time I had. I didn't know my model was bigger than my environment.

This Is the back of my environment which is the outside of the building.

This is the side view of my environment. The two walls you see are actually the same wall. the one on the right is the original and the left is a copied version. I did that because the UV map for the other wall was really wacko. So I just duplicated the wall.

This is the top view of my model and my environment. The reason why the environment looks so bright is because of the lighting and where its placed. I used and ambient Light and placed it in the center of my environment to brighten the room.

That's my model that I have been working on for eight weeks. Have fun using Maya! XD

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