Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Just duplicate it

Having problems trying to re due a UV map on a similar object? Just duplicate the thing. I was having problems trying to re due a UV map on a wall for an environment assignment. I did the first wall perfectly but when I tried to do the other two, the map was all off. I asked my professor for help and he told me "Just duplicate it." He showed me how and now I'm going to show you to make your life simple as well.

1) I had three walls and I was trying to make it look kind of like a club theme. My first wall was perfect. So make sure you have your perfect object. In photoshop I had made my texture for the wall like this. I made sure I knew which way the wall had unfolded to make sure everything was positioned  the right way.

2) This is what my wall looked like after I put the texture onto the wall.

3) First thing you do before trying to duplicate your object is to right-click and make sure it is set on Object Mode and select your object.

4) Next go to Edit and then click on Duplicate ( or you could just press Ctrl+D). You have now duplicated your object.

5) Now, click on the Move tool and Rotate tool to move the second wall around.  Keep in mind you're not going to see the wall (or whatever object you are duplicating) appear in a different place. It's onto of the first wall so DO NOT click anywhere else but your move tool. Once you see your second wall then you could do whatever you want to it.

6) Repeat for the other wall. (only necessary if you are duplicating to get three objects)

7) Now, I had realized when I rotated my environment around that both walls had the same backside. 

8) I didn't want that, so what I did was I went back to my original photoshop file of my wall and I changed the backside to a brick wall and saved it as a Targa file like I did for my first wall.

9) Then, I went back to Maya and Right-clicked on my second wall and went down to Assign New Material.

10) After that, an option box popped up and I clicked on Lambert. Do the same.

 11) Once you choose Lambert, on your right side you will see where it says color. Clcik the checkered box next to it and another option box will pop up. Click on File.

12) Find your new texture file and press open.

13) Finally you are done. Steps 9-12 you should have already known but I broke it down just in case anyone was wondering what to do next. Have fun =)

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